There are other Mass times relevant to the Easter and Advent seasons. Keep an eye on the parish notices and the news and events page for specific times.
If a priest is unavailable Liturgy of the Word may be offered in place of Mass.
Click the button below for the readings for the current week:
You will be notified through the parish notices and on the news page as to the exact time.
A faith-filled, prayerful community, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish strives to bring the Love of Christ to all by living what Christ taught, and continues to teach, us.
While there are many people who help in the running of the parish, these are the principal office stalwarts.
We warmly welcome new parishioners. Thank you for your interest in our parish. To get started, please email or telephone the Parish Office with some details about you and your family. We will be in touch with you. Continue to check in here for news about upcoming parish events.
Do you have a suggestion? Please contact our pastoral coordinator, Jenny Ferguson.